Different lifestyle Approaches To Check Back Pain

In contemporary times, the occurrence of back pain among the population has increased. The major reason is the change in lifestyle and working environment, which requires people to be seated for long hours. However, ignorance about the ways that wreck the back is also a contributing factor. Half of the back problems, along with the consumption of medications and the use of creams or gel for back pain, can be avoided, if only people knew what causes harm to the back Here, we will discuss the common ways people hurt their backs, and what can be done to avoid it.

Sporadic physical activity:

Simple activities that involve bending for a longer time, like sweeping, along with frequently lifting things over a workbench, can be hard on the back, especially when a person has been idle for weeks. Sporadic activities at weekends can take a toll on the back, thus, it is important to stretch for strengthening the core back muscles. Focus on obliques and muscles on the lateral sides, as they play a crucial role in back stability. Exercise with an inflatable ball, it is the easiest way to strengthen back core muscles.


Nothing harms the back more than bending over at acute angles and lifting objects, as it can lead to injuries, which can lead to chronic back problems. Thus, stop bending improperly; instead, learn a proper lifting technique. The safest way to lift is by bending the knees while keeping the back straight; avoid pivoting or twisting while lifting as well. Always remember to point the feet in the direction of the lifting object, else it can cause twisting; people tend to twist the waist instead of moving feet towards an item, which puts an extra pressure on the back. Bending, even the slightest of the waist is an absolute no, otherwise get ready for rubbing creams or gel for back pain as part of your daily routine. Tip: while lifting engaging core muscles is important, and the best way is by pulling the navel towards the back. This posture provides support to the back. Practice it through the day, and it strengthens muscles as well.


Sitting causes stress in the discs-the spongy cushion between vertebras-and elongated stress over time can lead to slip disc. It is the most common disorder among the adult population. Moreover, sitting deprives the disc of nutrition, as while sitting the supply of blood to the discs is significantly reduced. Thus, it is recommended to get up from a chair and walk every 20 minutes. For a healthy back, it is also crucial not to arch forward while working and provide support to lower back while sitting.


Back pain is one of the most common form of physical problem in today’s era. There are various lifestyle changes such as sitting and sleeping posture at home, sitting a working posture at workplace, driving position, even the walking posture are changing, which is causing the back pain in the individual. Nowadays, the back pain isn’t limited to the ages group of people, but even the youngsters are also getting affected.  

Resource Box:

Back pain can be treated with just some minor exercises and other light but continuous physical activities. The best guidance for back pain can be provided by Dr. Mandeep Singh the best  Orthopedic Surgeon in Delhi with vast experience. 

Content Source : https://delhiorthopedicandspineclinic.wordpress.com/2020/02/18/different-lifestyle-approaches-to-check-back-pain/


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