The Role Of Stem Cells Therapy In Knee Disorders

Have you been taught that steroid injections or invasive surgery are your only opportunities to treat your knee pain? Interventional orthopedics presents a non-surgical opportunity that makes use of your cells to assist your body heals injured tissues and relieve pain from knee injuries and arthritis. Stem cells for knee pain treatment may offer a superior opportunity to knee surgical procedure or knee replacement.

Downsides of knee surgery:

Recent research suggests that some of the most common orthopedic knee surgeries inclusive of meniscectomies have no advantage and are not any more powerful than placebo or sham surgical procedure. Knee replacement surgical procedure is extremely annoying and carries associated risks. Even efficacious surgeries require months of painful rehab to regain energy and mobility. Sadly, most surgical procedures also speed up degeneration that ends in osteoarthritis and exacerbates the troubles that to start with led to the need for surgical treatment in the first place.

Stem cell therapy for knee pain:

Stem cells for knee pain can help improve knee function and reduce ache without the need for surgery. Stem cell therapy for knee pain is most typically performed as an autologous treatment. This means that the MSCs used for treatment are extracted from the affected person. While MSCs may be located in many regions of the body, they may be usually harvested from either fat or bone tissue. Extractions from fat tissue might also yield a higher concentration of stem cells; however, the extraction procedure may be more invasive than bone marrow extraction methods. During the latter extraction procedure, a needle is generally inserted into the iliac crest location on your pelvis.

Stem cell culturing and injection:

Once the MSCs are extracted they're then isolated and cultured to increase their concentration and potency. This process usually takes 7-14 days; however, if the initial extraction contains a low concentration, an extended culturing time may be required. Once the concentration of stem cells is deemed fine, they may be prepared for intra-articular injection. Stem cell for knee pain is finished by inserting a needle deep into the joint whilst being guided through ultrasound. The stem cells are then released into the damaged region of the joint.

Can stem cells provide pain relief?

The scientific research to date indicates that stem cells for knee pain permit a significant reduction in pain for people with knee osteoarthritis. Improvements in knee characteristic and ache reliably exceed the required 10% threshold scientists have installed for a drug to be deemed effective in this context. Some studies indicate that stem cell injections may additionally provide better pain relief than Corticosteroid injections and Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. Further, there are many strategies of harvesting, preparing and placing stem cells; not all therapies will produce equal results making vast or generalized conclusions about the state of stem cell research challenges.


 Many people effectively avoid knee surgery and side effects associated with it. Instead, meet Dr. Mandeep Singh the best orthopedic surgeon and he can guide you through the role of stem cells in treating knee problems.


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