Getting To Know About Arthritis Hip Injury

The hip is one of the most important organs of our body as the hip joint allows you to provide the body form, shape, structure and supports the weight of your human body. Arthritis and other hip injuries may tend to produce some extreme conditions of pain resulting in the patient’s hampering movement. In such a condition, the doctor tells us to prepare for heap replacement treatment. The surgery is the only solution, which is done in extreme conditions where the patient suffers from excessive ache and suffering.

When there is a need for hip surgery?

Hip surgery isn’t easy but it is necessary for some special situation when there is no other option like severe pain, osteoarthritis, it is the only way to get back a good quality of life. Due to osteoarthritis, the bones of the body get damaged and pain occurs. Even it happens a problem in moving from one place to another. The bones do not grow and regenerate again. The joints get disintegrated and it cannot be recreated. The surgery results to be the last option and thus hip surgery is necessary for this condition. This surgery is also known as arthroplasty, which is a surgical process and, in this process, damaged and diseased parts of the hip joint are replaced with artificial parts, known as prosthesis. The sockets as well as a rounded ball at the top of the thigh bone, both are replaced with duplicate parts or man-made parts. Hip replacement surgery is generally not suitable for all aged people. It is important for those people who have continuous pain and not able to perform their daily activities. Pain is the joints and immobility are caused due to pain is a serious problem. If the problem of arthritis of knee joint problem caught in an earlier stage, osteotomy may be an option, which includes involves realigning the bone and joint of the hip and maybe the femur to decrease pressure on the hip joint.

The procedure of hip surgery: 

This replacement is carried out in approximately 3 to 4 hours. During this process, some of the effected bone is replaced, and a special kind of cement is used to stick the artificial body parts effectively at the right place. After successful implantation of body parts, the surgeon asks for some special exercises to implanted body parts perfectly gel with the surrounding bones. But there are several things which should be cared for replacement. Some activities which should not be performed for a few months after surgery like Climbing heights with speed; Lifting of heavy objects; Excessive sports activities; Bad sitting postures; Bending beyond extent. This is some information about Hip replacement surgery which can help you if you are going to take this treatment.


Hip surgery in the later stage gets very complicated. The individual or the patient suffering from the same shall make sure to get fully prepared before things getting worst. There should be regular checkups, proper exercise, and complete care when needed, beforehand.

Resource Box:

Dr. Mandeep Singh is the best joint replacement surgeon in Delhi-NCR. He has treated patients for many years, and thus makes him highly recommended.  

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