Elaborating The Facts About Knee Plica Syndrome

Knee Plica syndrome is an infirmity generated by inflammation in the wall of the knee joint. It ends in achy knee pain which grows more critical with movement, especially up and downstairs, a sense of instability in the knee and occasionally catching or fastening sensation.
Plicae are small pleats in the synovial membrane, the thin formation that encompasses and lines the knee joint. Plica syndrome, aka plica synovialis, can occur in any of the four-knee plica, the most popular being in the middle plica. Knee plica irritation occurs when the plica gets caught or pinched between the knee bones, usually due to a knee injury or from overuse. Here we watch at how plica synovialis begins, the causes and symptoms, and eventually look at the different therapy options for knee plica syndrome.

Role Of The Knee Plica

Knee plica are natural folds in the synovial membrane of the knee, a thin, fluid-filled enclosure that encases the joint, like a bag. Throughout the first trimester of fetal development, connective tissue separates the knee into three compartments.
In the second trimester, this tissue starts to decrease in size as the fetus starts moving more and is constantly reabsorbed before birth, leaving only a thin cover which encloses the knee joint, the synovial membrane.
In around 90% of the community, the connective tissue isn’t entirely combined leaving small inward folds in components of the synovial membrane, known as knee plica. Synovial plica is flexible and light. The wrinkles in the membrane, known as synovial knee plica, are adjustable so do not normally curb normal knee movement and vary in size among people.
In most cases, synovial plica is entirely asymptomatic and don’t induce any problems. Still, if the knee plica becomes irritated or painful, typically from overuse or an injury, plica synovialis emerges creating pain and weakness in the knee. Different people may have up to four knee plica located in different parts of the knee, the medial plica, suprapatellar plica, infrapatellar plica, and the lateral plica. Below we are discussing about the two plica.

Medial Plica

Out of all the four plica the medial plica is the most well-known site to cause symptomatic knee plica syndrome. It is observed on the inner side of the knee joint, operating parallel to the kneecap.
The medial plica moves from the bottom part of the knee cap on the medial side, over the medial femoral condyle and descending to the synovial wall on the inner side of the tibia, where it mingles with the ligament patellae and the infrapatellar fat pad. It is often attributed to as acting like a ridge.
The position of the medial plica presents it as the most likely to become caught in the knee joint following in medial plica syndrome, aka medial patellar plica syndrome, medial plica synovitis, and plica synovialis mediopatellaris.

Suprapatellar Plica

The suprapatellar plica is located in the suprapatellar pouch, an area following the kneecap extending up behind the quadriceps tendon. The suprapatellar plica is typically a domed, moon shape, resting between the suprapatellar bursa and the knee joint, and may be attached to part of the medial plica. In some instances of suprapatellar plica syndrome, the plica grows tethered with adhesions developing between the plica, the kneecap and the femoral condyle which can restrict knee movement. Suprapatellar Plica Syndrome is also known as supramedial plica syndrome.


When the synovial folds are irritated and become inflamed you might get plica syndrome. To get treated for this underlying knee problem that affects the pliability of the synovial membrane, you can meet the best joint replacement surgeon in DelhiDr. Mandeep Singh.


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