Arthroplasty: Measures And Post-Operative Care

Knee replacement surgery isn’t a new term in medical science. It is the growing common term with the issues mainly found in elderly people than the younger group. The knee is one of the most common joints of the human body that suffer from wear and tear. Though injuries are often culprit, simply daily use of the knees can often lead to a need for surgery.

With the increasing awareness of this surgery among people, the total number of surgeries is increasing year by year. Over the years when people refused to take such surgeries because of fear of pain and lack of knowledge about the procedure, medical science proves this technique successfully positive and due to this people got confidence in these techniques. Knee surgery is not always the basic treatment which is recommended for knee issues, there are more basic treatments usually recommended by the doctor at first, but if they do not provide any result, surgery may be the only and best option. Surgery for knee replacement is also known as Knee Arthroplasty that can help restore function in severely diseased knee joints. Generally, surgery is reserved or recommended for people over the age of 50 with severe osteoarthritis.

What is the need to consider knee replacement surgery?
To repair joint damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.
To prevent the problems in walking, climbing stairs and getting in and out of chairs.
Those experiencing moderate or severe knee pain also suggested for this surgery.
People with diabetes and blood pressure can also go through the surgery as it provided the illness is under control at that time.

What Happens In Knee Replacement Surgery?

Once the orthopedists suggest you for this surgery, he will keep you under general anesthesia and a cut is made in front of the knee of around 8 to 12 inches. X-Ray is done to determine the extent of knee damage. Then damaged part is removed from the bones surface and shaped it to hold a metal or plastic artificial joint. With the help of plaster of Paris or special material, the artificial joint is attached to the thigh bone and the knee cap. After fixing together, the artificial part for support and function rely on the surrounding muscles and ligaments.

Plan Your Recovery In Advance

Before going through this surgery, it's advisable to plan your recovery. Post-surgery, the patient needs to stay for the next 3 to 5 days in the hospital as per the surgeon advice and patient’s health. The doctor may recommend the assistance of crutches or a walker for several weeks after the procedure. Some of the common considerations that you can take after surgery are:

Since climbing stairs are not allowed, create your living space on the ground floor
Always try to sit on a stable chair with a firm seat cushion
Loose carpets and cords must be removed
Arrange your toilet seat riser accordingly
Install secure handrail in your shower
Make advance arrangements for your everyday tasks including bathing, cooking and doing laundry is advisable.


Dr. Mandeep Singh is a highly recommended surgeon for Knee replacement or arthroplasty in Delhi-NCR. You can consult him in case of an emergency and get the best possible treatment for yourself.


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