
Showing posts from August, 2019

Understanding Piriformis Syndrome And It’s Link With Sciatic Nerve

Piriformis syndrome is not a common occurring neuromuscular disorder that is generated when the piriformis muscle presses the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle found in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. This muscle is essential in lower body movement because it fastens the hip joint and lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body. This permits us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another, and maintain balance. It is also used in sports that involve lifting and twisting the thighs in short, in nearly every movement of the hips and legs. The sciatic nerve is solid and long in the body. It passes alongside or goes through the piriformis muscle, goes down the back of the leg, and ultimately branches off into more miniature nerves that terminate in the feet. Nerve squeezing can be induced by seizure of the piriformis muscle. Piriformis Syndrome Signs And Symptoms Piriformis syndrome normally starts with discomfort

Providing Best Possible Care For Cervical Spine

We turn, bend and lift all through our life not understanding that all these can point to severe neck pain. For example, stretching your neck too much while exercising or using computers for long durations; all these can have serious consequences on your neck.  Cervical pain is common and most of us must have heard it since every second individual is found dealing with one. Cervical does not only result in neck pain, it goes beyond that also. It begins causing soreness and weakness in your shoulders, arm, and hand. Dealing with cervical can be challenging indeed, but all of you need not worry as cervical spine procedures are here. You will be healed perfectly. This procedure will cure you of cervical pain and bring the desired results for you. Cervical will no more be a hindrance in your life. Lower Spine Aches Coming to lumbar spine procedures, they usually involve treating problems faced in the lower back of the patients like lower back pain, etc. After this proced

Get Healthy Bones with Healthy Nutrition

A healthy diet could keep you healthy throughout your life. As most individuals are well conscious, good nutrition and a balanced diet are vital elements of overall health. Talking about back problems let me tell you that that diet, exercise, and keeping a healthy weight also play a significant role-specific to back health—including the inhibition of many obstacles and increased healing. The healthy bones , tissues and other buildings in the spine require precise nutrition so that they become strong abundantly to support the body and to play their other functions. As a common rule, it is suggested to include the following back-friendly nutrients inside your daily intake. Picking The Right Foods For Optimal Nourishment Of Healthy Bones Eating a well-balanced diet with the appropriate amount and variety of vitamins and nutrients can lessen back problems by nourishing the healthy bones, muscles, discs and other edifices in the spine. While a healthy diet orders for various

Vertebroplasty: An Advanced Care & Treatment for Vertebra

The procedure known as vertebroplasty is used for stabilizing a spinal fracture and to ease the pain the fracture causes. Because it is administered by simply puncturing the patient's skin, rather than with an open incision, it is thought to be minimally invasive. How This Procedure Is Done The patient is given light sedation and local anesthesia, and if he or she has difficulty in tolerating sedatives, only a local anesthetic is used. During the procedure, a biopsy needle is used to inject special bone cement into the fractured or collapsed vertebra. This is accomplished with the guidance of a fluoroscopic x-ray. Note that the cement, which hardens quickly, creates a support structure in the vertebra, providing both strength and stabilization to the bone. Also, the tiny puncture in the patient's skin that remains only has to be covered with a bandage.\ What Patients Can Expect This procedure is usually completed within an hour, and bed rest is generally